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Ministers Reflect: Carwyn Jones, First Minister of Wales, 2009-2018
Keynote speech by Rt. Hon. Carwyn Jones, First Minister of Wales
Carwyn Jones resigns as First Minister of Wales
Carwyn Jones reveals he is to step down as first minister of Wales - Daily Mail
ICANN50 in London: Rt. Honorable Carwyn Jones, First Minister of Wales
Carwyn Jones, First Minister of Wales
Carwyn Jones - First Minister of Wales
#13 - Carwyn Jones MS, Former First Minister for Wales and Tech Advisor
Carwyn Jones gives evidence in Sargeant inquest | ITV News
WCIA Wales and the World Special Debate First Minister Carwyn Jones
Carwyn Jones, The First Minister of Wales says: ‘Scotland, please don’t go.’
Rt Hon Carwyn Jones AM, Minister of Wales: Our future union – a perspective from Wales